Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Bible

That's right! The purpose of this blog is to explore the Bible.


This blog is aimed at Christians! It will not be a pat on the back, "look how much better you are than non-christians" sort of study. Why?  Because you're not!

We are all the same vile sinners in the eyes of God.

"For ALL have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God"

Romans 3:23 [emphasis mine]

What makes us Christian is that we find hope in God's loving sacrafice....

" For God demonstrates his love for us in that while we are still sinners Christ died for us"

Romans 5:8

... and choose to live as closely to his laws as we, in our human carnality, possibly can.

The problems in Christianity lies not in the non-christians who disagree with our theology, but in the Christians who claim to have a relationship with God, but live as though they do not.

"The single greatest cause of atheism in our world today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips, walk out the door and deny him by their lifestyle.  This is what an unbelieving world simpling finds, unbelievable"

-Brennan Manning

I'm starting this blog because I have a pet peeve.  I get irritated at Christians who spout off ideologies they claim are Biblical, but are found NOWHERE in the Bible. Or they take parts of the Bible so out of context that they might as well be reading a different book.

Christianity, the way it is meant to be practiced, is not a religion, but a relationship with our creator and savior.

What I write you may not like, the Bible has a tendancy to step on toes.  But i will not water down the word of God to make you feel good. I would rather you be mad at me now for being harsh, than made to feel good and spend eternity in hell.

To my friends and readers, Christian and Non-Christian, I love opinions from all people.  I like to be challenged and forced back into my Bible as i study different doctrines and topics.  Please be respectful of everyone's comments, not just those who agree with you.

To My Non-Christian Friends:

What experiences have you had with Christians or christian churches that have turned you off of Christianity all together?

To My Christian Friends:

What topics in the Bible do you struggle with the most in what is an increasingly secular culture?